
Corporate Philosophy
“Every life deserves attention”
The company group, through drug discovery using the core platform technology “non-cutting CRISPR technology” (CRISPR-GNDM ®︎ technology) to invent therapeutics targeting rare genetic disorders. True to our corporate philosophy of “every life deserves attention,” we hope to contribute to society by giving patients hope to overcome their illness.
It is believed that of10,000* human diseases, about 7,000#are rare diseases which consist of “long tail” diseases. Of these, 80%† overlap with genetic disorders and 95% remain untreated. The company is committed to identifying cures with our powerful novel technology.


To preserve water and ensure it is used efficiently, wastewater from the laboratory is treated in accordance with environmental laws at our R&D facility in the US.

※ pH Neutralization System
Measures to Reduce Carbon Footprint

With facilities that combine function and needs of our personnel, we are promoting reduction and optimization of energy consumption.
The company supports telework, and our recent relocation allows us to carry out business with energy efficiency in mind. Furthermore, our R&D facility in the US features a new HVAC system and state-of-the-art LED light fixtures.
The company group has made efforts to go paperless and is aiming to recycle 100% of items such as toner cartridges, etc. Proper separation and disposal of laboratory waste is strictly enforced in order to reduce our carbon footprint.

※ HVAC System(Energy Recovery Unit)

The company group values the human rights and diversity of our employees and believes that improvement of the working environment is essential. The employees of our R&D facility in the US come from a wide range of backgrounds, regardless of nationality, gender, or age groups.

Flexible schedules and ongoing efforts to improve the working environment provide employees a source of motivation and sense of security as they carry out their duties. Additionally, we are making efforts to secure and develop talent among our scientists so they can drive innovation.

The company group’s core platform technology “non-cutting CRISPR technology” (CRISPR-GNDM®︎ ) is made available to partners to promote open innovation in the realm of drug discovery and discover new therapeutics for genetic disorders. The technology is currently licensed out to one company and we have joint research and development agreements with three companies.

Five in six members of our Board of Directors are Outside Directors(of these, one is of foreign nationality and one is female) which creates a system that allows for internal checks and ensures accountability toward shareholders.
Our company has an established auditing committee, of which all three members have voting rights. As this decision making is related to business matters, we have created a system to reinforce the auditing and supervision of the Board of Directors.
The responsibility of business management is held by the Corporate Officers. Decision making related to business matters and auditing functions are separate from that of the Board of Directors, creating a system that ensures the improvement of business efficiency.
To ensure adherence to laws, business ethics, and other company regulations, a Compliance Committee has been established. In an effort to create a system that prevents unnecessary violations of compliance, relevant laws, company statutes, regulations, and a code of conduct provide concrete terms that must be followed while business is carried out.